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Dec 22, 20221 min read
मांगलिक दोष से भयभीत न हों - जानें मंगल दोष से जुड़े मिथक
जानें क्या मांगलिक की शादी मांगलिक से हो सकती है? मांगलिक दोष कैसे समाप्त होता है? मंगल दोष कब कब नहीं लगता है? मंगल दोष कब नहीं माना...

Sep 7, 20223 min read
Pitra Paksha - 2022 कब से है पितृ पक्ष, जानें तिथि और महत्व
Pitra Paksha 2022: शायद ही कोई हिन्दू व्यक्ति हो जो पितृ पक्ष से अवगत ना हो। पितृ पक्ष, हिन्दू धर्म का अभिन्न अंग है और अपना विशष महत्व...

May 13, 20222 min read
Which house represents a second marriage?
Not everyone is lucky to have a blissful marriage. But life doesn’t stop there is always a next chance and people opt for a second...

Apr 26, 20222 min read
What is Kaal Sarp Dosh & Its Various Aspects?
One of the most feared malefic astrological combinations is Kaal Sarp Dosh or Kaal Sarp Yog. A person’s birth chart displays this Dosh...

Apr 26, 20223 min read
How do I know what gemstone is right for me?
Earth contains immense inventories of gemstones inside it. These gems or gemstones contain mysterious healing powers, which are often...

Apr 15, 20221 min read
Can a Manglik marry with Non-Manglik?
केवल गुण मिलान ही कुंडली मिलान नहीं होता | बहुत से लोगों के मन में मंगल दोष को लेकर अनेक धारणाएं होती हैं | क्या वो कि वो मांगलिक हैं? और...

Apr 13, 20221 min read
Pitra Dosha - Pitra dosh in kundli
Pitra Dosha should not scare us always. Reasons for this are different so remedies also change. 1st know exact reasons causing Pitra...

Apr 5, 20224 min read
Importance of Fasting on Monday and Thursday in Hindi
उपवास का उद्देश्य शारीरिक आवश्यकताओं पर संयम रखते हुए, उच्च आध्यात्मिक क्षेत्रों में वृद्धि प्राप्त करना है। शास्त्र कहते हैं कि उपवास...

Apr 1, 20224 min read
Can Nadi Dosha Be Removed After Marriage?
Nadi koota is a part of ashtakoot gun Milan with an allotted 8 points in the system. It is an important determinant of compatibility in...

Mar 21, 20222 min read
Astrological reasons to Breaks in love Marriage
Marriage is an important social institution. It is a question running through the mind of any eligible bachelor that what kind of...

Mar 10, 20223 min read
Effects of Saturn's presence in 7th house in both partners' charts?
The 7th house in the marriage horoscope stands for the relationships of heart, Marriage and it directs the destiny of the native whose...

Mar 7, 20224 min read
Which is the most powerful planet in astrology?
Sun, termed as a royal planet amongst the divine luminaries of the sky, as we know, shines the entire world, and blesses its goings-on. A...

Mar 1, 20223 min read
Is there any role of astrology in love marriage?
A Love marriage specialist can find out if you will have Love Marriage or Arrange Marriage and this is called love marriage prediction by...

Feb 24, 20224 min read
What is the impact of Married life issues on career
Work-life balance is an oft-repeated word in today's work circles. This is usually spoken by those who have minimal peace and content...

Feb 18, 20222 min read
How can astrology help in avoid divorce?
When we think of divorce, it does not leave a happy impression on the folks involved, nobody wants their relationship to end in a...

Feb 11, 20224 min read
How can one find information about in laws from a horoscope?
Is an eternally nagging question that even war veterans find difficult to handle. It so happens that the daughters-in-law are the...

Feb 9, 20224 min read
Will my wedding be Love or arranged as per Jyotish?
Will my wedding be Love or arranged as per jyotish? Your Marriage horoscope illustrates the possibilities of Love Marriage or Arranged...

Feb 5, 20224 min read
Will i marry for love, or will it be an arranged match?
The fascinating question for today's youth may be 'When will I get married?' as this happens to be the most frequently searched query on...

Jan 31, 20224 min read
Why we need pre-marriage counselling by marriage astrologer?
Premarital counseling is a therapeutic session that helps the couple heal their mutual differences and the faulty attitudes and plaguing...

Jan 27, 20224 min read
How important is an astrological match to you while choosing a partner?
Mistakes are human, and they are bound to happen even on a momentous occasion, such as a partner search. Most marriages in India are...
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