Work-life balance is an oft-repeated word in today's work circles. This is usually spoken by those who have minimal peace and content with respect to home and have substantial time to invest in the job. However, there is the family angle that contributes to this work-life stress. The family, be it parents or in-laws, has control over what we do and speak. Another reason could be the situations that might have victimized you to toe their line. If you have the grit to overcome all these issues or at least bear it all up with a stoic grin and let it not affect you mentally and emotionally, you have won in your game. Stress at home could trickle into the work you are doing at the office. In today's rat race, when every working person is running the marathon, it is impossible to find one person who steps back, watching it all from a distance. Due to the scarcity of time in the busy working life, the family, relationships, and other Married life issues may take a back seat.
How can marital life affect your career?
Astrologically, a happy marital life provides a firm basis for a flourishing career. Tenth house controls career success, and it is closely related to the 7th house that rules the area of marriage. The positive energy of the seventh will only provide the much-needed boost to the tenth house.
In what way does the seventh house impact the tenth house?
There are four Kendra positions in the horoscope, and each of these houses has a considerable influence on the other. These houses boost the other Kendra houses mutually. A positive relationship with the spouse will strengthen the 7th house, and positive energy will flow from the seventh to the house of career. The 7th house is also represents your professional life.
You can investigate all aspects of your career from the tenth house. While ascertaining the extent of success of any individual, his seventh and tenth house are read together. A positive seventh house is a boon to have as it will boost the tenth house. Through karma correction, you can improve your relationship with your spouse, by not criticizing her at every step and being supportive. Do not yell when you feel they are wrong, embrace the differences and learn to forgive. Encouragement and concern from the spouse can transform the negative seventh house into a treasure trove of positivity. In the fast and brutally competitive world, we need helping hands and willing ears to listen to us, and only an understanding spouse can provide that. From the chart, one can study nature and advise the native the extent to which he can change his ways. Through these efforts, the energies of the seventh and the tenth houses can be enhanced and channelized.
The twelve houses in horoscope have a bad or a good relationship with the 7th house and the tenth house. With effective usage of the energies, every house can start contributing to improve these houses. The 10th house is the fourth to the 7th house. The 11th house is the second house (gain) from the 10th and the fifth from the seventh. This eleventh house can transmit its beneficial energies to both the 7th and the 10th houses. So, concentrating on keeping the eleventh house strong will surely help sort out the issues in marriage and advance your career.
Does being ambitious affect a married life?
Ambition may come in the way of domestic harmony and happiness. Overambition may cause negativity to flow from one house to the other. Keep aside your strategic plans for career growth and invest your energies into becoming a submissive and friendly partner. With this balanced approach, the negativity would not flow from one house to another.
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Females have a different issue altogether. Stumbling blocks for her are her kids, her unhelpful husband and in-laws. Systematic balancing of energies can work wonders in rejuvenating the marriage.
Which chart do you examine for your career?
To arrive at a result for a querent, the Navamsha chart is examined to know about spouse and marriage, whereas the Dashmansha is read for professional success. Apart from these two charts, Shastiamsha is used to study the inter-relationship between marriage and profession.
Is career more important than marriage?
Until you are all set to get married, you are certified single with your career responsibilities on your shoulders at an age that demands it.
Your life and priorities are different from what they will be after you are hooked into marriage. The partner is there to feel happy for you when you win and support you emotionally when you are down in the dumps. She is there to advise you when you need it and takes over your responsibilities. It would be best to respect your spouse, not ignore her, as marriage is not a power struggle but a partnership that uplifts your consciousness. Ignoring her will distract you from your marital path. For that Dr. Vinay Bajrangi recommends Horoscope Matching before marriage. And for more information you can call us at +91 9999113366 or visit our website www.vinaybajrangi.com
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/vinaybajrangis/blog/impact-of-married-life-issues-on-career