Marriage is an important social institution. It is a question running through the mind of any eligible bachelor that what kind of marriage is on the cards. Whether you will tie a knot in an arranged marriage setup, or you will marry out of Love? this question can be answered by carefully gazing at your kundli. There are some permutations and combinations present in every Kundli which govern the marriage of a person, It can be predicted by the yogas and the positioning of the planets and their Lords.
Swap between 7th lord and 5th lord.
Swap between 12th lord and 2nd lord.
Connection or facets between 7th lord and Lagna lord.
Connection of 2nd lord and 12th lord in 2nd, 5th or 12th house.
The connection between 2nd lord, 5th lord, 7th lord and 12th lord.
Connection of Lagna lord with 7th lord, 5th lord, 2nd lord and 12th lord.
If Moon is correlated with Lagna lord in ascendant or with 7th lord in 7th house.
If there is Sagittarius or Pisces sign in 9th house and Rahu or Saturn has a sight on 7th house, 9th house and Jupiter.
If Lagna lord, 7th lord and 5th lord are malefic planets naturally of having a connection with 8th house.
If Venus is in 5th or 9th house, as per Lagna or Moon sign.
Arrangement of Rahu in Lagna may be the Yoga of Love marriage if Jupiter has no association with the 7th house.
Guru and Venus is the main decision planet of wedding and matrimonial life. If guru in female chart and Venus in Male chart are in bad impact, then the opportunities of love marriage go to powerful.
The sight of Rahu on the 7th lord, Saturn or venus boosts opportunities of love marriage.
Possession of Rahu and Mars in 7th bhava of marriage.
If the 7th lord integrated with Mars and Rahu in Taurus or Libra sign then the likelihoods of love marriage goes to powerful.
If the 2nd lord and 2nd house has a connection with Mars according to Lagna, Moon sign and Sun sign, then the person gets a love marriage.
Combination for Breaks in love marriage:
When Venus is placed in weak or debilitating sign with malefics, with 5th lord placed in malefic houses like 6, 8 or 12, then love marriage is not advisable to the native
Your birth chart through the tools of Love marriage or arranged marriage astrology clearly indicates the human reasons and the corresponding planets which can stop your love marriage. These reasons are:
1. Parents not agreeing.
2. Status Problem.
3. Caste Problem.
4. Financial issues.
5. Fear of society.
6. Infidelity.
7. Already married and trying for a new bond.
8. Continued misunderstanding with the love partner.
9. Boredom.
10. Arguments.
If you want to have an accurate idea about the question of marriage, then going through the process of horoscope matching will certainly help you a lot. You will get all the clarity that what are the probabilities of a Love and arranged marriage. And, also if you are having a potential partner in mind, will he/ she be a good match for you or not. Kundli has got all the answers embedded in it, you just have to find the right person to decode the same.
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/vinaybajrangis/blog/break-ups-in-love-marriage