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Which is the most powerful planet in astrology?

Sun, termed as a royal planet amongst the divine luminaries of the sky, as we know, shines the entire world, and blesses its goings-on. A bit of him is in every one of us, in different ways, in different configurations along with other planets in our natal charts. Life, positivity, and hope are other sunny attributes, and Sun represents the human soul. Sun can never be retrograde in movement as he has the other planets swirling around him. Sun always governs the ancestral realm, and the pitru dosha is a prominent kundli dosha caused by the Sun being malefically placed in the horoscope.

Sun is the ultimate masculine planet that bestows patriarchal characteristics like ego, honor, prosperity, and power. Sun gives us power and immunity to face any unforeseen event in our lives. Physical and mental characteristics are directly induced in the individual by the Sun. Sun is usually associated with Lord Shiva, Rudra, Narayana, and Sachidanand.

When strong, Sun gives composure and calm and the ability to contain himself in the face of any adversity. Not only this, but he also blesses the native with robust health with a fit physique and agility. The responsible and decisive character of these natives would normally be misconstrued as arrogance. Sun is responsible for elevating the consciousness of the paranormal realm and bestows top-tier jobs in the government in the physical realm. It gives great organization skills, an analytical bent of mind, a reservoir of creativity, a principled personality with value systems inculcated. Sun makes his chosen native, a survivor, and a winner just like him. Sun, in strength, gives the best possible results, which any other planet is not capable of giving.

When in malefic configuration, he wields his worst baton. Sun, in conjunction with different planets, will give different results. Sun with Mercury, Jupiter, and the moon create powerful yogas. Sun is the most powerful planet.

Best planet for wealth

Jupiter is the generous money planet that blesses one with abundance and affluence. All good things in life can be expected if the native has a benefic Jupiter in his chart. The prime concern when examining monetary issues is Jupiter and his placing in a horoscope when we examine the chart. A person is blessed with money if Jupiter is well placed without malefic influences in his chart. Jupiter's other blessings are prosperity, happiness, and luck. Even under a malefic influence, this planet comes up with a medley of results, both positive and negative, but never negative results alone. It augments your capabilities for earning and hoarding money. For instance, if Jupiter is in the third house, he blesses the native with wealth in writing, communication, etc. Even when associated with benefic planets, It gives wealth and good luck. Jupiter is the lord of the bhagyasthana or luck in the kundli of Kala Purusha. He signifies good fortune, gold, wealth/finance. So Jupiter bestows wealth.

Best planets for health

Sun governs health. Sun is of paramount importance when it comes to an individual's life. The Sun drives the entire biosphere into action, and so does human life. As per the Vedic literature, He drives our pranic energy and gives and sustains life. He supports the entire system of life on earth. Matsya Purana says, "Aarogyam Bhashkaradichhet" (health is due to the wish of the Sun). Many godmen and saints have worshiped the Sun with Surya Namaskar and chanting the shloka "Aditya hrudaya."

Sun rays at the dawn of the day are most conducive to the health of all plants and animals. These indomitable rays destroy the health negating effects or influences in human life and awards good health. Rig Veda authoritatively says that the rays of the rising Sun can heal heart problems cure jaundice and anemia. "Atharva Veda" also supports this view. Sun should be worshipped facing east, at the break of dawn. The sun rays touch your chest directly at those hours, which is favorable for health. The morning sun is the most beneficial compared to other parts of the day. Atharva Veda also says that the Sun's rays can cure 22 diseases that cause havoc to the human body.

Best planet for love

Venus rules love. Only fortunate natives would have well-placed Venus in their birth charts. They are never destined to get to higher positions with much struggle. Being charming and pleasant, they have an excellent taste for music and arts. Success in love is granted to them due to these feminine qualities. Their spouses are usually good-looking. Venusian's motto is to exert the least, enjoy the most" they do not like to be forced down to work and exertion. Instead, they invent something that gets the job done. These people have excellent marital lives. Venus is the relationship expert who builds trust and a degree of comfort in the natives, and a person feels well-loved and cared for only if he is under the Venus influence. These people are admired and get a great attention from others.

Venus represents the final merge of two human beings, in love and bliss. A Venusian e is the cynosure of all eyes in a gathering due to this magnetic charisma.



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