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Effects of Saturn's presence in 7th house in both partners' charts? 

The 7th house in the marriage horoscope stands for the relationships of heart, Marriage and it directs the destiny of the native whose focus shifts from self to that of partner. Libra and Venus are the natural significators for this house. Jupiter and the sun are weak in the 7th house, whereas Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn find it the best house to occupy.

The seventh house compatibility is about mutual attraction, commitment, passion, fantasies. Wisdom, to name a few. The seventh house stands our marital future and present. Be it good or bad. It has life-altering consequences. Aside from this, the seventh house reveals any issues with sensual satisfaction. It also stands for cooperation and adjustment between partners. Bad transits in the seventh can also bring on an unwanted turn of events in our relationships, such as litigations, lack of affinity, etc.

What is the effect of Saturn on the house of Marriage?

The effect of Saturn in the house of Marriage can be huge. Saturn in the seventh house affects the areas of affluence, age, business, ambitions, and feelings of an individual.

Positive Impact

Saturn in the 7th house provides affluence and a good social image to the native. They are unassuming and self-effacing. They will only display their values like loyalty to others. They are reticent but rise to the occasion whenever injustice lurks in. Due to Saturn's will, these people always get punished for their bad deeds and rewarded for their good acts.

Negative Impact:

Effect of Saturn's presence in 7th may be malefic for some people. They face intense confusion while selecting their partner. Vedic astrology says that Saturn in retrograde motion can spoil the marital relationship of a couple. They deeply feel sorrow if they are separated from their partners via divorce. They are arguing partners and are so impatient that they do not heed others' opinions/ they may not be responsible enough to attend to their partner's needs. The age difference between them may be more than five years usually.

What is the marriage prediction for a couple having Saturn in the seventh house?

Marriage prediction for a couple having Saturn in the seventh house need not be bleak always. Saturn need not always be a spoilsport in the affairs of the heart and wedded life. Before giving the final verdict about a zodiac house, certain factors must be assessed.

A house should be judged by analyzing the planet in the house, house lord and dispositor of the house or house lord, and significator of that house in the chart.

Firstly, we should see where Saturn is placed and whether he is in exaltation, in swaskshetra, or enemy sign. Firstly, The Sign in which Saturn is present, whether exalted, debilitated, or in own Sign, friends sign, or in enemy sign, must be considered.

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Secondly, the position of the lord of the Sign which Saturn occupies, and whether he is exalted, in swasthana, debilitated, friends sign, or enemy sign must be considered.

Thirdly, the position of the lord of the Sign, which the 7th lord occupies, whether he is in exaltation, debilitation, or in Sign of friendship or enmity or his sign/ must be seen.

Fourthly, we should gauge the position of kalatra, i.e., Venus, to see if he is exalted, debilitated, or in his own Sign, or the Sign of friendship or enmity.

The Saturn in the 7th house can also be a blessing. The effect of Saturn's presence for both partners can be harmonious or compatible provided that the planets in the seventh, lord of the seventh, the dispositor of the seventh lord, the Venus are well fortified in their D1 and D9 charts. Suppose things are contradictory, i.e., if Saturn is in enemy sign, his sign dispositor is also an enemy, or if Saturn or his sign depositor is in debilitation and Venus is not inherently weak. Then the Saturn here does not augur well for the couple. On personality assessment, this couple will be in a serious relationship and must face a lot of responsibilities. They will be highly attached. The responsibilities will be so much of a burden that they are severely exhausted in the end. Saturn maha dasha, in the case of any one of them, may crumble due to the overloading responsibility, and as a result, divorce conditions may prevail.



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