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Can Nadi Dosha Be Removed After Marriage?

Nadi koota is a part of ashtakoot gun Milan with an allotted 8 points in the system. It is an important determinant of compatibility in the marriage matching process.

There are three nadis as per Vedic astrology, adi Nadi, Madhya Nadi, and anthia Nadi. The entire series of stars in the cosmos has been categorized under these three nadis. Each Nadi has sway over nine nakshatras in its set. Adi Nadi nakshatras include Ashwini, Ardra, punarvasu, Uttara Phalguna, Hasta, Jyeshta, moola, shatabhisha, poorvabhadrapada. Madhya Nadi stars are Bharani, mrigashira, purvaphalguni, pushya, Chitta, Anuradha, Purva Shada, Uttara, dhanishtha, Uttara Bhadrapada. Rohini, ashlesha, makha, Swati, Visakha, uttarashadha, Sravana, revati belong to antya Nadi. Nadi is important for ashtakoot gun Milan.

Nadi dosha is formed when the couple shares the same Nadi, in which case, the score dips to zero out of eight. If the couple has different nadis, the score would be eight out of eight. If both are in the adi Nadi, adi Nadi dosha is formed. If they share the same Madhya Nadi, it would be called Madhya Nadi dosha. Similarly, anthya Nadi dosha is formed if the couple belongs to anthia Nadi.

Suppose both the couple share Aadi Nadi; they would soon separate after marriage or face marital disturbances and even widowhood. Aadi Nadi match is deadly for the husband, Madhya is fatal for both, and anthia nadi would result in the wife's death. It would result in infertility, divorce, and disturbing marital life in many cases. Another factor that weighs more than Nadi dosha in importance is the doshas in kundli. Planets in kundli should have good planetary influence to have better compatibility.

What is Nakshatra matching?

Nakshatra matching indicates excellent compatibility on the physical and mental planes. A good score here ensures well-being and good children. Marriage would be long-lived and successful if nakshatras matched perfectly. Native's date, time, and place of birth are needed to match the nakshatras. This helps in creating a natal chart. Then ashtakoot gun Milan is applied to decide the basic compatibility of the stars. Nakshatra matching lets us know the extent of happiness the couple would get and unforeseen incidents in their lives. Through Nakshatra matching, we can match the couples' attitudes and bring them round to similar points of view. Nakshatra Matching means matching the way of life, aims, passions, minds, wavelengths.

What are Kundli doshas:

Planet mars cause all the doshas in kundli; Rahu is responsible for 25 percent of the doshas; the sun for 50 percent, and Saturn for 75 percent. The kundli dosha can be mitigated by following the karma correction with the application of free will that is present in all of us. No yoga or kundli dosha stays permanently during your life. We are the product of our karmas, and the karmic effects stay until the cycle of suffering for that karma is complete, or it is corrected by following certain modifications in lifestyle and our conduct, to name a few. But karma correction is a way to absolve oneself of karma to a large extent, and it needs to be followed judiciously to get results. Let us see how to love compatibility can be achieved.

How is Love compatibility determined?

Love compatibility is found in detail by horoscope matching. Planetary compatibility is one of the vital parameters to decide the combability between partners. The ascendant lord and moon of both horoscopes, the 7th lord of both horoscopes, and Venus and Jupiter. Some positions are intrinsically malicious for the planetary combinations for marriage to exist. Even then, if there are malefic planets in any sensitive bhava, it spells incompatibility between couples. If the Lagna of both the partners is the same, or found in trinal, or Kendra sthanas from each other, compatibility exists. With any other combination, it ceases to be there. Navamsha compatibility shows that the couples were married partners from previous births, and their souls match. Mangals in both horoscopes should be compatible. The second, seventh and fourth house in both horoscopes should not be afflicted; otherwise, it damages the prospect of marital happiness. Shaiya sukha sthana or the 12th house should be free of afflictions. Otherwise, the physical pleasures would be nonexistent. trimshamsha check can reveal details about the girl, her character, her family, widow yogas, and adulterous proclivities. Love compatibility is seen from the study of the above factors. Can Nadi dosha be canceled? Let us take a look.

Can Nadi dosha be canceled?

If the girl and the boy belong to the same Rashi but different Nakshatra, the effects of Nadi Dosha get neutralized. If the girl and the boy belong to the same star but different Rashi, this too can result in the neutralization of Nadi dosha.3. When a Bride and a Groom share the same Nakshatra but different pada in that Nakshatra, then they are exempted from having Nadi dosha. 4. Certain Nakshatras are exempted from Nadi doshas and exempted pairs of Nakshatras from Nadi dosha. For example, Rohini and Magha are exempted from Nadi dosha. 6. Suppose the Bride and Groom belong to different Rashis but share the same Rashi lord can also potentially nullify any Nadi dosha. If planets are conducive to a good marital life, and generally, other planets are placed strongly in the horoscope, the Nadi dosha can be canceled to some extent.

If kundli matching was not done before marriage and the couple is found to have Nadi dosha, the only remedy to resolve this would be to avail of the post-marriage consultation services by a competent astrologer. By applying the modifications suggested by the astrologer, one can cut down the malefic effects largely, as per the marriage predictions.


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