Falling in love outside your marriage, or being in a relationship with a married person, or even courtship with a person not in an adult age are a few examples of illicit love, which is a bitter reality of not just today, but yesterday i.e., ancient time. The illicit love chapters are available in the Hindu mythological books, and hence, we can't ignore the existence of this kind of love.
Love marriage or Arrange Marriage in my horoscope?
But, what makes a person step towards illicit love? When everyone knows that there is no acceptance of this kind of relationship, then why does a person not mind holding the hand of a person who is already into a marital relationship with someone else. All the legal rights of the married partners always remain with the legal spouse, then what one seeks in such a hollow relationship is a thing of close consideration for many. To give you the actual answers to such questions, Dr. Vinay Bajrangi will explain the astrological reason behind it.
Putting light on various planetary combinations in the Kundali, Dr. Bajrangi shares what are the planetary positions in horoscopes that drive the native to fall in illicit love.
Astrology & What it says about illicit relationships –
Astrology can give clarity of a possible illicit relationship in your life. Certain and established Yogas in Kundali tell the native to indulge in a relationship that is not acceptable for society. Talking about components in Kundali that trigger an illicit connection, Moon is regarded as the main as it influences the feeling of sex out of psyche to a native.
Besides Moon, the 5th house of Kundali represents the house for a lover, and the 7th house one is for a spouse. Therefore, when it comes to analyzing the chances of illicit connection, the astrologers always consider these houses thoroughly. Along with these houses, the Dashas of Rahu, Mars, Saturn, Venus also play an essential role in creating the Yoga of illicit connection in Kundali for a native. For instance, in Kundali, where the Moon and Saturn are placed in the 7th house, it creates the circumstances for natives to have mental suffering out of a love relationship.
Significant astrological connections resulting illicit relationship –
In a horoscope, if Venus and Saturn are sitting together, it indicates the existence of any illicit partner to the native's life after marriage.
The combination of Venus, Mars, and Saturn in the 5th house makes a specific illicit relation for the native.
For Scorpians or Arians, if the placement of Venus along Mars creates a strong relationship, it results in a relationship outside their marriage.
In Kundali, where Venus gets a placement in 2nd place by the Moon in the birth chart, it develops Sunfa Yoga which leads to native's worldly satisfaction along with chances of having physical relations outside marriage.
If any of the lords of the 2nd, 6th, and 7th houses find placement with ascendants and Venus, it makes severe allegations on the person's character.
If Venus and Sun are with Pisces in the horoscope, the native becomes highly seductive with many illicit connections.
The placement of Venus with Mercury in the 7th house of Kundali leads the person to have new tactics to build illicit relations.
Venus, Mars, and Saturn – planets are majorly connected to native's cravings or hunger of pleasure. Therefore, in Kundali, where Mars and Saturn sit together in the 7th house, the native homosexual. Similar planetary positions in the 8th, 9th, or even 12th houses indicate for natives to have illicit relations with their own elders.
If Rahu and Mars planets' aspect is at Venus, it makes the native seductive, who keeps on seeking to fall himself in an illicit relationship.
In Kundali, where Venus and Mars' effect is on Jupiter, placement in 1st, 4th, 7th, and even 10th house and Rahu is placed on Moon; it encourages the native to break all stoppages to be in an illicit relation.
The presence of Saturn in Kundali's 1st house makes the person more interested in sex. Saturn's placement in the 5th house facilitates illicit relationships with the native.
If in the 7th house of Kundali, Saturn sits along with Moon with Mars' aspect in same house, it indicates for native to be a prostitute. Even if Venus comes into the construction through the conjunction of aspects, it creates a sure illicit relationship.
In Kundali, where the Moon is placed anywhere at a lousy side of Kundali, it indicates the native have illicit connections even with a maid or servant.
Moon's placement in any of the bad sides in Kundali creates Yoga of guilt to the native. Relationships with a maid and finding love in an elderly person are some scenarios of such natives.
Even Rahu's placement in the 8th house of horoscope indicates higher chances of illicit relationships for the native.
If four planets are placed in the Libra sign, it brings a conflicting situation to a family person's life because of an illicit relationship outside marriage.
Thus there are multiple Yoga in Kundali that result in illicit connections for the native. If you are also worried about your or your partner's Kundali's Yogas, which might lead to such a relationship, get the solution from Dr. Bajrangi with timely astrological consultation by calling us at +91 9999113366 or visit our website: www.vinaybajrangi.com
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/vinaybajrangis/blog/planetary-combinations-give-rise-to-illicit-love