It is easy to describe the kind of personality of a person born in Ashlesha Nakshatra. Mercury presides over Ashlesha nakshatra, the ninth in the celestial constellation of a total of 27 nakshatras. Symbolized by a symbol of a coiled serpent, this star is governed by a group of snakes. Ashlesha is also referred to as Naga nakshatra.
Ashlesha natives are crafty and shrewd, although wise by nature. With an exemplary ability to focus on any given topic at hand, these natives are very tight-lipped about things in general and very capable of keeping any secret.
They are constantly bothered by insecurity and confusion. Shying away from unexplored terrains. These natives always feel comfortable with familiar people and situations concerning relationships. They are known to shower gifts on loved ones. These natives are in their comfort zone with only a few people in their lives. Stars compatible with ashlesha are always on an emotional rollercoaster with the ashlesha people because they blow hot and cold alternately. Nevertheless, these can strike a powerful emotional bond and loving companionship. This is also why they are so protective of people who belong to them.
However, Ashleshas are very impulsive and fly into a rage at the slightest pretext. Deceptive and ruthlessness mark their demeanor. They think impulsively in any situation, and their decisions are always taken on the spur of the moment. They are known to hide behind a mask they wear in society so that they get an opportunity to observe people from behind that mask—keen capacity for observation and an ability to sense danger from a long-distance mark their disposition. In matters of love, they exhibit care, love, and responsibility. Of all the stars, the Ashlesha star needs to be supremely careful while selecting a partner for marriage. They can connect well with people born under ashlesha compatible stars. There are very few stars that match the wavelength of the Ashlesha star.
How compatible is Ashlesha with other stars in the constellation?
When we talk about Nakshatra’s marriage compatibility, Ashlesha is not compatible with all-stars in the constellation. An Ashlesha Nakshatra native should always pick their partner from the same tribe, and they must compulsorily marry from this group. Any other stars are strictly avoided for marriage as they do not find themselves comfortable with any other. Also, let us study the characteristics of Ashleha stars along with this.
Which nakshatras are most compatible with Ashlesha?
Three nakshatras are most compatible with the ashlesha personality. The only star that complements the ashleshas ideally is the pushya star. Ashleshas enjoy roaring marriage compatibility with the pushyans. Their relationship is not challenging for both of them on any level. At first sight, the Pushya native comes across as dull, uninteresting, and workaholic to the ashlesha natives, who are even irked by the pushyan's workaholism. As time passes, the relationship builds momentum based on these impressions. Love would surface at this point, after which the couple begins their journey together. Once they experience the warmth and wit of pushyans, the ashleshas will never back down from the relationship. However, ashleshas are advised not to nurse unrealistic expectations about pushyans to keep the relationship healthy.
Ashlesha and Ashlesha Nakshatra's compatibility for marriage is excellent. They have a substantial degree of understanding in their relationship that allows them to see through each other's pain and pleasure. They share similar flaws and the same degree of emotionality that draws them closer to one another. Summing them up in a nutshell, they are one soul inhabiting two different bodies. Hence accepting and forgiving each other's flaws comes naturally to them. They have an intense attachment towards each other and express themselves uninhibitedly.
Astro-consultation required for mediocre Nakshatra
Some nakshatras are not good or not bad for Ashlesha Nakshatra in terms of Marriage compatibility. Some of them are Punarvasu nakshatra, Magha nakshatra, Purva Phalguni nakshatras. If you need more information about these Nakshatras, then it is recommended to go for an Astrology consultation with any known Vedic Astrologer and first understand what your Janam Nakshatra is.
Ashlesha Nakshatra's celestial equation with the Ashwini is unique. Ashwini's adventurous and genial disposition impresses the ashleshas a great deal. They can also detect idealistic and maverick streaks in the Aswinis personality, which they eminently appreciate. Mutual understanding is the primary motif upon which their entire relationship is woven. They share the traits of honesty and independence with Ashwini and therefore place strong trust in them. Ashwini tolerates ashlesha's weaknesses and earnestly sets up an everlasting bond with the ashleshas.
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/vinaybajrangis/blog/ashlesha-nakshatra-marriage-compatibility