A home or a property in the self-name is a dream of almost every person in the world. Sometimes, it gets fulfilled and sometimes, they face issues while completing their dream. But, when will the time come when I will own my first property. Sometimes, questions keep buzzing in mind when you will buy your own property.
Astrological conditions indicating ownership of property
1. Exploring property yoga in Horoscope
2. Own house astrology by birth chart
Properties yoga becomes in horoscope
Mars is the 4th House Lord and placed in the 11th house.
Venus or Mercury is the 4th House’ Lord and positioned in the 4th house.
4th house’s Lord gets placed in the 9th house
The 9th and 4th house lords get placed in the 11th house together.
5th and 4th houses’ lords exchange their houses.
This is a small brief about Property Yoga by Horoscope or Kundali. This way, there are several such Dasha in Kundali that state about the chances of having property in life for a native. For better results, you can get a proper analysis of your Kundali from an experienced astrologer.
Apart from this, if you want to read more on this topic, then visit our website.
Also, read Horoscope 2022 Prediction for all zodiac signs.
Source URL: https://vinaybajrangidham.blogspot.com/2021/11/when-will-i-have-my-own-property-by.html