Marriage is a much-anticipated ritual that ties two individuals into everlasting marital bliss, provided the planetary configuration is favorable. There are handful of us who marry while young and carefree. The eligible bachelors of today are opting for marriage later when maturity sets in, and the priorities are well adjusted. Life experience and forethought would aid them in choosing and picking the right partner. As per ancient wisdom and astrology, this trend is not to be encouraged as so many age-related repercussions come in the way of fully experiencing marital bliss. It is considered a curse carried over from the last lifetime that gets deeply embedded in the form of samskara in our current life. This is precisely what hinders our chances of early marriage. Let us discuss the marriageable age for todays youngsters.
Certain factors cause delay in marriage. Following are the houses, planets, Dasha, and transits of planets, reading of which can bring up remedies for delay in marriage.
a) Houses for Marriage: The seventh house rules marriage prospects. Houses of secondary importance are the 2nd and the 11th. The 2nd house governs the family life, and the 11th house foretells if the partner is a true friend for life and companion. 11th house rules the area of wish fulfillment. The fifth house should also be considered if the person desires to marry for love.
b) Planets for Marriage: For the males, it is the Venus, and for the females, Jupiter offers a detailed picture of their spouses. We can also consider the lords of the 2nd, 7th, 11th houses, planets placed in the 7th, the lord of the fifth house, and the nakshatra lords of these planets, to name a few.
c) Dashas: Marriage can turn out to be favorable if conducted during the Dashas of the planets, as mentioned earlier.
d) Transit: Dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter influences the first house, and the 7th house or their lords predict marriage timing.
A combined study of the above three factors can provide surefire and time-tested solutions to the problem of delay in marriage. These above factors cause delay in marriage.
What are the other indications for delay in marriage apart from the above mentioned ?
There are other indications for delay in marriage apart from the above-mentioned factors. These indications are based on the study of delayed real-time marriages.
1. The sun Rahu combination can put the marriage plans on hold, especially if linked with the houses symbolizing marriage. Mars and Rahu conjoined in the 7th house or aspecting the lord of the 7th house.
If the 7th lord occupies the 8th house and the 8th lord occupies the 7th house, the marriage will be postponed indefinitely.
4. Saturn and Moon conjoining in a male natal chart can show many hindrances to marriage that delay the actual event of marriage.
6. The main factor that causes delay is Kuja dosha in a horoscope.
7. The mangal dosha must be seen per the ascendant, the Moon, and the Venus chart. Mangal dosha present in more than one chart mentioned above may impede marriage. Check for any yoga that cancels the mangal dosha. That would thwart the delay.
The above are a few combinations from marriage delay astrology, and remedy for late marriage is dealt with separately for planetary placements.
Is there any tool to rectify these doshas?
Yes. There are tools to rectify these doshas. While performing the Astro-calculations, consider the impact of past life; check for Mangal dosha; check if there is anybody in the family responsible for the delay. Also, astrologically study the education and status level of the child, any secret love affairs, an excessive interest in a particular member of the opposite sex. Check astrologically to see if the native has high expectations from marriage and some hidden weaknesses that come in the way of early marriage.