Marriage is an auspicious journey that two souls take together by consent from the heavens. It helps to be more cooperative with the planets to accrue desired results. This is a surefire way to ward off all unnecessary issues concerning marriage.

Marriage is the turning point in everyone's life, deciding if we gambled to succeed or lose for good. It is a moment of emotional transformation for some, and for others, it is an affair with the vagaries of life. However, entering wedlock with a compatible person from the celestial and planetary point of view can be truly relieving. Consulting any good astrologer will help you see if you are astrologically well matched with the soul mate of your choice. For some, marriage itself seems far off and inaccessible, while others face a constant battle within themselves for deciding to get married first of all. Some are in the golden middle path where the situation would be more promising. Marriage can be likened to a postgraduate degree, which comes with detailed lessons and questions. Some fail at it while some others succeed. Here we are talking about those who chose adult education and got admitted into this postgraduate degree relatively late or advanced age.
There is no perfect marriageable age that can be decided as such for any country as each country has a varying statistic that it sticks to. Each country's culture, race, and social trends decide the correct age of marriage for its population. Some cultures regard 30 as over the hill, whereas for some other countries, marriage at the age of 60 equals starting life in the real sense. It is only through Vedic astrology, and you can come to know why the marriage has been delayed in these cases. It would be through some improper planetary alignment that marriage is delayed. Let us get to the basics and study the detailed aspects of this phenomenon.
What are the planetary conjunctions responsible for late marriage?
Some planetary conjunctions postpone marriage to a much later age. The planetary positions that that cause a delay in marriage are as below:
Late marriage should be predicted when the 7th lord and Saturn are karakas and are conjunct. In the case of the Moon occupying the 8th or the 12th house, and the birth chart shows a mutual aspect of Venus and Saturn, marriage will be inordinately delay marriage are given below. . There are chances of an extreme delay in marriage when there is a mutual aspect of Venus and Saturn in the birth chart, and Moon remains in the 8th or 12th house. The person gets married at an advanced age if Saturn and Venus are in the Lagna and Mars in seventh house. When Moon is conjunct with Rahu in the 7th house and the 7th lord is debilitated, marriage hindrances should be predicted. Any malefic planet such as Mars, Saturn Rahu or Ketu, Sun or afflicted Moon, if present in or aspecting the 7th house, can put marriage plans on indefinite hold. If Saturn and Moon are combined in any manner, the native may face a delay in marriage. Lord of the seventh house in the 8th or 6th house postpones the marriage.
Saturn takes the responsibility of teaching lessons and preparing the native for the next phase of life. Saturn's association with the seventh house implies that he would put you through all the struggles or teach you how to be responsible for your life. He will not let you take the next step unless you pass that stage successfully. Until you learn your lessons ultimately, he would postpone your special moment of marriage. He allows an opportunity for you to marry only when you have crossed your middle age. Benefic influences would help mitigate this effect to a large extent.
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Sun, when afflicted with respect to the seventh house, causes a delay in the marriage of the native. When the sun is adverse, he would destroy the peace for that phase of life and bring on the chaotic situation and lack of discipline in daily life. Retrograde planets have a prominent role to play in the delay of marriage. If the lord of the house related to marriage is in retrograde motion, it will cause a delay due to the reasons indicated by that house. If the second house is retrograde, marriage will be stalled due to lack of funds. A suitable match will not be found even after persistent and long searches if the seventh house is retrograde.
Lastly, we must not overlook the significance of the D9 or Navamsa jataka when scrutinizing the reasons for the delay in marriage. It unfolds all the secrets related to the marriage, the difficulties, the intrigues, etc.
If malefics conjoin or aspect the seventh house from Lagna, Moon, or Venus, it delays marriage.
Venus and mercury in the seventh and afflicted by Mars or Saturn almost indeed rule out all the marriage chances. Only when it is under the benefic aspect or influence of Jupiter will the native marry finally at a later age.
The 8th and 12th houses are malefic, and if they cast their influence in any way on the 7th lord of the 7th house, it means that the marriageability quotient of the native gets reduced significantly. The native has to marry at a later age.