Everyone wishes to reach the top position in their respective fields of career. But only some realize this dream despite giving an equal amount of hard work. What is unique about those reaching the top levels in their career? Do they follow some particular working style, or do they have something extra special in them?
Here, one pertinent question comes to mind. Everyone is trying hard and putting best efforts. But it becomes essential to know whether they are putting their best efforts in the field best suited to them. This is where the main difference lies!

How does astrology help in Career selection? In Astrology, everything revolves around the planets, their placements in different houses, and signs in the birth chart. The best career astrologer carefully analyzes the Lagna (D-1) chart, navamsha (D-9) chart, and dashamsha (D-10) chart to predict the most suitable line of career for the native. You feel natural inclination towards a career or field most suitable to you. Planets with their effects in the birth chart make you think about those fields only. Now, this is what planets have decided for that person, but what career line he will choose depends upon the transit and dasha of the planets at his working age. So, taking the broad idea from the planetary placements, the career astrologer checks the position of the planets in all three charts as mentioned above; this will finalize the results. One should go for kundali reading to achieve success in a career as there is no point wasting your efforts and resources in a field not meant for you. The tenth house of the horoscope and your career The tenth house of the birth chart is the main house of career. The sign, planets, and nakshatra falling in this place help determine the best career option for the native. The planets placed in the tenth house affect the career of the native with their significations. Also, the zodiac sign influences the career of the native. The planet in the 10th house is the planet responsible for the career selection of the native. And in case of no planet, we take references from the sign falling in this house. The best career astrologer then checks the position of the 10th lord of the Lagna chart in the D-9 Chart. This information further refines our search for the best career. The Lagna and the 10th lord in the D-9 and D-10 charts further indicate the best career options. Generally, these charts indicate a common career option that proves to be the best for the native. Education is the key to success in your career. Selecting the right subject stream is as important as choosing the right career. We see instances where students keep hoping from one course to another, wasting time and money of their parents. One should talk to an astrologer to select the right stream of education. The planets indicate almost every aspect of your life, including your choice of subjects. The planets in the fifth house help select the right subject selection as per astrology. Here, the right subjects strengthen the base for the right career. The parents should take an astrological consultation for their kid as soon as he is in senior secondary classes. After calculating the planets' yoga, dasha, and transit, the astrologer helps find the right subjects, helping the child with the right career selection by the birth chart. Conclusion Career astrology prediction gives all the crucial information related to an individual's career, fostering significant professional growth & success in life. Trying hard in the field, which is not meant for you, is like swimming against the tide where you can’t go far. Sooner or later, you have to quit it! Therefore when it comes to the most crucial decision of your career, you should not leave any stone unturned. Start early by choosing the right education stream, which would help later in the right career selection. With the right approach and focused mind, the person moves forward in education and career. However, if you are already in some career field and unsatisfied with the outcomes, then you are probably in the wrong career. There is always a remedy to help the person overcome professional or career difficulties. With the right advice, you can land in the most promising field for yourself, providing monetary rewards and satisfaction together.
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/vinaybajrangis/blog/know-best-career-with-career-astrology