The doctrine of Karma is a widely accepted concept that finds its relevance across the globe. It is believed that our past deeds affect our present life. Nothing better than but Astrology can explain the repercussions of our past deeds on our present lives. Whatever shortcomings or blessings we suffer or enjoy in the present life contribute to our past deeds.

Understanding karma is a very deep subject, but with the help of astrology at least we can make out the reasons for miseries faced in the present life. Our birth chart explains the major events and possible threats of our life throughout our lifetime. How does this happen?
The planetary combinations at the time of birth suggest what would be the shortfall in our present life. What will remain the good and bad part of our life? Where we will excel, and where we will lose? We get valuable hints with the help of our birth chart reading or Past Life Reading in Astrology. Whatever we get in our horoscope in the form of planetary combinations is due to our past deeds because as individuals, we have just stepped on this Earth with no present karma by our side. The good and bad effects as inherited in our birth charts result from our past karmas only as it is said you have to harvest what you have sown. Our past good and bad karmas tend to follow us in our present life.
Why past life reading is important?
Most of us crib for not getting the desired results in life. We blame others for the shortcomings of our lives. But past life readings help to understand that whatever we are facing in life is due to our past karmas. However, we have been told this even 100 times before as well by our elders but Astrology gives practical explanations to this statement. For e.g. a combust or afflicted Jupiter will show that you won’t get the support of your teachers and gurus in this life. A weak Jupiter causes a lack of fortune in every term. What does this suggest? This says that in your past lives you had insulted your teachers or followed a sinful way in life to get a weak Jupiter in this present life. Now, you need to respect teachers and scholars to rectify your past karmas and fetch good Jupiter results in this life.
A troubled Venus may indicate problems in married life that can be rectified by showing and caring to whoever you meet, as Venus represents love and care. More sweet and caring you act finer will be your married life. Thus, past life prediction in Vedic Astrology not only narrates the reasons of miseries in life but also tell us to how to rectify our karmas to mitigate the bad effects of past karmas and store good karmas for lives to come.
When we know the reasons for the miseries in life are our own karmas only, it becomes easier to accept them and we crib less. Past life prediction in Vedic Astrology makes us spiritually aware of our karmas and their results. We may conveniently use past life karma calculator to know about our sins and good deeds.
Free will and Karma rectification
In astrology, there are 12 houses, and every house has both good and bad specifications. For e.g. the sixth house is a house of debts, diseases and enemies. But at the same time it is a house of job and services also. A strong 6th house may give enmity and a lot of competition in life but at the same time makes you excel in your job. It may give you competition but makes you win over your competitor as well. So, it’s a matter of choice what house specification we use.
The astrological analysis explains the bad areas as depicted by the conjunction of malefic planets with different house Lords, but at the same time it also suggests the way out of these problems.
The free will of the natives will play a predominant role here. An astrological consultation helps you to get a complete new viewpoint about the life. Sometimes, it shows you the things otherwise forgotten or ignored by you. You look at life from a fresh view point and thus succeed to get success in life. You stop blaming things and tend to find solutions of the same. The concept of Free will help us to choose good karmas over bad ones. An astrologer may explain the problem areas of our life where we may apply the concept of Free will to move further while remaining remain less troubled in life.
Astrology and life events
Different events of life can be predicted through astrology. How much will you study? How your married life will be? What diseases may trouble you? Whether you will travel abroad? Many other things can be answered through life events astrology which helps you know your future better. Your past life karmas are somewhere responsible for your present life events. The dasha period you get at the time of birth is also the result of your past deeds. If a person is born in the dasha period of yogkaraka or exalted planet, it is somewhere understood that the person will get good things in life. It is the result of his/her past good karmas that the native is born in the dasha of the best planets of their horoscope.
Various planets rule various houses in the horoscope and each life event is dependent on these planets. For example, if a weak or malefic planet occupies the seventh house while its lord is in fall, the native is likely to have a troublesome marriage. Likewise, different life events are seen through different houses and planets. If any house is under bad conditions it may be due to our inauspicious past deeds which have resulted in lack of that aspect in our life.
Debt of past lives or rinanubandha
Astrology believes in debts of past lives which we have to repay in this life. This can be known through our birth chart. Different planets are karaka of different relations. For e.g. an afflicted Sun with the malefic planets like Rahu and Saturn makes pitru dosha in the kundli. It shows the rina or debt of the native for the ancestors. Until and unless the native repays it, he is bound to face troubles in life.
In the same manner there is a debt of several relations as depicted by different planets. An astrologer may explain these various types of debts and the ways to get rid of them. Vedic astrology not just explains the astrological remedies like wearing gems, rudraksha, donations, mantra, japa or puja etc. But also explains effective ways of karma rectification. It is only through karma rectification that a person may get rid of the bad karmas. The past life readings help to see through our past life to understand the reasons behind miseries in life. It helps to gain better explanation and ways to improve our present life by taking hints from our past karmas.