In our Kundali, 7th house emphasises on the life partner and marriage. If there is Shani in this house, it does not indicate Shubha (Auspicious) outcomes to the native. Whether Saturn in the 7th house is a deadly position in a horoscope is not yet answered because some multiple Yogas and combinations cause this placement to be deadly or not deadly. Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, the leading astrologer in India, shares some insightful details here that will help vanquish all myths related to Saturn’s placement in the house of marriage or the 7th house of Kundali.
What effects does Saturn accompany with placement in the 7th house?
The position of Saturn in Kundali’s 7th house points to certain things related to Karma. The effects of it encompass the responsibilities towards the married partner. The key motto of Shani is to encourage the person to practice patience. Due to this practice, the native faces marriage delays for different reasons. In several cases, it is seen that natives get married after their 30s, and another interpretation says that late marriage leads to happy married life as compared to early marriage cases under Saturn’s placement in the 7th house.
This is not all, but this placement of Saturn leads the native to have an older partner who is very serious about the relationship. Due to this effect, the native finds it very challenging to make the right decisions in life. Not just with relations, the native faces difficulty with the conveyance. A demented mind is often a problem with these natives.
Exploring characteristics of natives having Saturn in the 7th house in Kundali –
Based on various cases and studies of several Kundalis in which Saturn finds placement in the 7th house, the following mentioned some noted characteristics common in natives.
· The native having Saturn in the 7th house of Kundali might have a wife with a lean body, and the female finds the husband who suffers from an afflicted body. Moreover, the native suffers from several illnesses.
· This placement often obstructs marriage and hence pushes ahead of the marriage date. Delay in marriage is quite common to be seen in natives with this Yoga.
· The placement of Saturn in his exalted sign or his own Zodiac Sign leads native to have sexual relationships with multiple partners.
· It causes the native to face the loss or permanent departure from the partner.
· This Yoga discourages the native from having interest in physical intimacy with a partner.
· In addition to the ill-effects of Saturn in the 7th house, it also gives success in the field of politics to natives. Even the strong effect of this astrological Yoga leads the native to receive honour in other countries.
Other noteworthy effects of Saturn in the 7th house of Kundali –
In Vedic astrology, the placement of almost all malefic planets in the 7th house of Kundli is considered as bad often, but it is not a certain thing. Talking specifically about Malefic Saturn in this house, it does not let the native to have a beautiful-looking spouse. A Kundali where Saturn is enfeebling leads the native to have a partner from a poor or impoverished background.
Enfeebling the weak condition of Saturn badly affects the marital life of the native because being a dry planet makes the relationship full of coldness and dryness. This Yoga does not let the couple build a good bond, and the issues related to trust become common. It is also seen that these natives get to marry with a divorcee or widow.
If Saturn’s placement is in the 7th house in Navamsa Chart of the native, it causes certain marriage delay along with many other issues like huge gap in age of the spouse, marrying with a low mental level husband or wife, and low status of the partner.
In addition, this effect of Saturn encourages the native to tie the knot to a partner with a dark complexion and unattractive look. These natives remain in the control of their spouse and lead a fully submissive life towards their partner.
This placement of Saturn in Kundali makes the native look like an old person as the charm on the face disappears.
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This way, we can see there are multiple unpleasant effects of Saturn in the 7th house of the horoscope. But the effects of this Yoga can better be managed if you consult a good astrologer like Dr. Vinay Bajrangi. From our online portal, you can find the perfect astrological remedy to deal with all unfavorable situations caused by any Kundali effect.