The planet Venus stands for everything that is pleasure and enjoyment. Venus is the one-eyed planet of passion that represents finer things like love, beauty, conjugal union, the partner, and creature comforts in general. The seventh house is the godsend position for Venus, as the 7th house is well synchronized and well-aligned with Venus in intent, essence, and purpose. A well-placed Venus in 7th house promises conjugal bliss in endless measure. Venusians exude a sense of warmth and genial friendship around them. They are highly empathetic human beings who manifest a capacity for true love. They are incredibly gentle and caring human beings with an innate ability to care for others. Venus holds its sway over the areas of relationship, marriage, partnerships, and love in one’s life.
Venus in the 7th house of a male means that the spouse’s career will be along the lines of deal-making, contractor, interior decoration, or matchmaking. She would be the prime element that drives peace and happiness and a sense of balance into the marital life of the native. She is the pivot around which the entire life and soul of the Venusian would revolve. And the native goes to any length to keep her happy. They would try their best to see their partner happy by providing them with all creature comforts.
What are the positive effects of having Venus in the 7th house?
There are unlimited positive effects of having Venus in the 7th house. With Venus in the 7th house, the native’s life brims over with happiness and cheer. Due to these great traits, their relationship strengthens at every step. Marital life spells bliss and nothing beyond. Their spouses extend immense sympathy and support, due to which the couple overcomes all barriers to happiness in their materialistic world. They strike a deep physical, and emotional connection with their partners and emotional bonding is crucial to marital success. When it comes to crisis management, they are the proverbial masters and go out of their way to get their partner out of any adversity. They believe in sharing both happiness and sorrow. These natives always have partners with stunning looks, enjoy an upbeat lifestyle, and live king-sized life.
Natives with Venus in the seventh house believe in nurturing their relationships and never betray their partner in thought, word, and deeds. This stems from self-interest and the deep respect they feel towards their partners. Their spouses turn out to be doting mothers and caring partners. Their spouses are the kind of people the family can turn to for counsel in times of despair and distress.
Does Venus support intercaste marriage?
Venus supports intercaste marriages provided there is a specific yoga of Venus with some malefic planets. Venusian couples who are married for love experience a very healthy loving relationship. They are in perfect control of their emotions and tongue during the crisis and refrain from passing any rude comments that hurt their partner. Rahu-Venus conjunction indicates inter-caste marriage for the native. Rahu intensifies the characteristics of any planet that it comes in contact with. When it is conjoined with Venus, it boosts romantic urges. According to love marriage astrology, Venus must be blemish-free in the 7th house and well aspected to allow the native to marry for love. A string of love affairs of a native indeed shows an afflicted Venus that is in o association with Rahu, Mars, or Sun in a chart.
Does Venus symbolize luck in love affairs?
Venus indeed symbolizes luck in love affairs. Venus in the 7th house is one of the luckiest combinations for a native to be married through love. All the happiness and pleasures of married life are guaranteed with this placement of Venus. Venus extends longevity to the marriage.
So, it is quite clear that Venus in 7th house indicates all aspects of marriage including arrange marriage prediction. For accurate marriage prediction, you should visit a Vedic Astrologer who is known for reading love marriage in the horoscope.