Astrology has answers to almost every problem in the world. Whether it is a concern relating to marriage delay or career in abroad, a good astrologer like Dr. Vinay Bajrangi can help you with life's almost every concern. When it comes to marriage problems, the Manglik dosha in Kundali highlights Doshas, which becomes a significant cause of marriage delay. But, there are some Kundali Yoga that can help reduce Manglik Dosha's effect. Ruchaka Yoga is one of the most impactful Kundali Yoga, bringing several auspicious results in the native's life.
About Ruchaka Yoga, it is said that it can cancel the Manglik Dosha too. But is it true or not – to check the authenticity of this belief, let's go deep in this topic and learn more about Ruchaka Yoga and its effect in our life. How it affects Manglik Dosha will also be talked about in this article.
Knowing Ruchaka Yoga in Kundali –
A type of Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga, Ruchaka Yoga, develops with the Mars' placement in certain Kundali houses with certain Zodiac Signs. With this Yoga, Mars planet finds great powers which bless the native with great blessings.
As said earlier, the Ruchaka Yoga is related to Mars' placement in certain signs and houses, so these signs include Aries, Capricorn and Scorpio and houses are 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th. Thus we can see that Ruchaka Yoga is connected explicitly to Mars and as Manglik effect is also related to Mars; therefore, there is a particular relationship between these two. Before we share the connectivity between Ruchaka Yoga and Manglik Dosha, let's know the Manglik Dosha in detail here –
What is Manglik dosha in Kundali –
Manglik Dosha or Mangal Dosha is the Kundali Dosha that affects one's life. Especially for the life-partner, the Manglik Dosha can be very threatening depending on the type of Manglik effect as it can be high dosh, low dosh and anshik dosh. In all Kundali Doshas, Manglik Dosha is quite popular. So, what exactly this Dosha is or if it is actually threatening- are questions many want to get the answer about.
A negative mark in the Kundali because of the ill-placement of Mars, Manglik Dosha, makes the native lead a bad married life. What type of marital issues you will face or how long the problems will affect you depend upon the amount of this Dosha in Kundali. There are several websites available serving mangal dosha analysis and checking online. Use these sites and find out if your Kundali has Manglik Dosha or not.
Basically, Manglik Dosha becomes when Mars finds placement in the ascendant or 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house, 12th house in Kundali. For the adequate consideration of Manglik Dosha, Moon sign is recommended to consult around.
In Kundali, some auspicious Yoga gives amazing results to the native. It is believed that Ruchaka Yoga in Kundali is potent enough to narrow down the effect of Manglik Dosha. So, what's the authenticity of this thought? Let's dive deep into their relationship here.
What is the relationship of Ruchaka Yoga with Manglik Dosha –
The key relationship of Ruchaka Yoga with Manglik Dosha is their relation with Mangal Planet. These two take place in Kundali with Mars' placement in horoscopes. In Kundalis, Manglik Dosha and Ruchaka Yoga can be seen often; however, these two are different aspects of Kundali and have nothing to do with one another.
Therefore, we can say that Ruchaka Yoga does not cancel the effect of any kind of Kundali Dosha with its auspicious Yoga. If we are any, that means Manglik Dosha too.
Another astrological consideration says that Mars is in Aries and Scorpio (his own signs), or exaltation sign as Capricorn with placement in the 1st, 4th and 7th house of Kundali. It makes Ruchaka Yoga, not Manglik Dosha. Therefore, there is a difference in interpretation. The effect of Ruchaka Yoga brings happiness, luck, and positive productivity to native's life. Again, it does not interrupt the Manglik effect.
To ensure the accurate interpretation of your Kundali and avoid unnecessary stress related to the Manglik effect, consult Dr. Vinay Bajrangi online. From explaining the effects of Ruchaka Yoga to giving astrological remedies to manage the ill-effects of Manglik Dosha, he will guide you with the best of astrological consultation.
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/vinaybajrangis/blog/can-ruchaka-yoga-cancel-the-manglik-dosha