It is said that the surroundings in which a particular activity is performed carry a significant impact on that activity! According to astrology, it is considered auspicious to carry out daily activities as per the right muhurta or timings to receive beneficial results. While we talk about the muhurta, the foremost topic to discuss is the prevailing Today's Nakshatra and Rahu Kaal for that specific day. Astrologers suggest avoiding any important task on the day when the prevailing nakshatra lays 1st, 3rd, 5th, or 7th from your birth nakshatra. Similarly, Rahu Kaal should be avoided for performing auspicious or significant tasks. As per Vedic astrology, Rahu Kaal covers about 90 minutes every day between sunrise and sunset.
Knowing the nakshatra of the day helps avoid an inauspicious or dreadful period and get accurate predictions for the day. Through the relation between today nakshatra and your birth nakshatra, Astrologers may judge what results you may expect from the day? The astrologers use Today's Nakshatra to come up with accurate predictions about the native. Today nakshatra is the nakshatra in which the Moon is transiting today. Similarly, your birth nakshatra is a Nakshatra in which the Moon was transiting or the nakshatra of your natal Moon at the time of your birth. The relation between these two helps to derive important astrological information about a person. In the same way, knowing Rahu Kaal for the day is equally important as Rahu kalam is that portion of the day ruled by the shadowy planet Rahu. It is believed, especially in South India, that any suspicious activity should be avoided during this period of the day as it may bring harmful results. Rahu Kaal is meant to offer prayers to Rahu to pacify him. All activities like signing important papers, documents and making important negotiations or business deals should be avoided during Rahu Kaal. Thus, it is very important to know today nakshatra and Rahu Kaal for a specific day. It is a general practice to know today's nakshatra through Panchang but with the advent of modern technology, knowing today nakshatra is just a click away. You get accurate astrological information about today's transit and others at our website. The information acquired through the site is 100% accurate and most authentic with zero chances of any errors. What is today's Nakshatra? Today's nakshatra is the nakshatra in which the Moon is transiting today. E.g., if the Moon is transiting in the Purva Phalguni Nakshatra, then purvafalguni is today's nakshatra, and its Lord Venus will be checked to make astrological predictions about a person. Your birth nakshatra or Janam tara may lie in any of the nine categories i.e. Janam, Sampat, visit, kshema, pratyari, sadhak, badhak, mitr and ati mitr. And based on these categories, a learned astrologer decides what results in you may expect from a specific day. Out of these, Janam, visit, pratyari and badhak are considered to bring bad results. How to find out Rahu Kaal? Rahu Kaal is a span of 90 minutes falling in any part of the day based on the day of the week. For e.g., on Monday, the Rahu Kaal falls between 7:30-9:00 a.m. approx. Likewise, it is fixed for each day of the week. One may know it accurately by logging in to our website.
Career Horoscope: Read your career horoscope and select right career selection as per birth chart What is a good time today? In order to find out a good time today, one should take the help of the chaughadiya muhurat, which can be conveniently accessed through the website mentioned above. Chaughadiya muhurat is applied to check the auspicious time to initiate any new work. As per the chaughadiya division, eight muhurats span during day and night time. There are four good Chaughadiya muhurat called Amrit, Shubh, Labh, and Char, during which auspicious activities should be performed. There are three bad Chaughadiya muhurat called Rog, Kaal, and Udveg, which should be avoided for any significant task. Auspicious time to buy property It is possible to find the auspicious time for any activity during which the chances of success are more than in other durations of the day. It is fruitful to know the auspicious timings for signing a business deal, important papers, making important proposals, admissions in an education institute, marriage, entering a new house, buying own house or property, etc. To know the Auspicious Timing for buying a property or any other important task, the learned astrologer uses the auspicious muhurta, hora and the birth chart of a native. It is important to know which part of the day is specifically important for an individual based on their birth chart. The astrologers use the bhava Bala and ashtakvarga to calculate the auspicious days and timings. Based on the strength and score of each bhava during the transits of the planets, estimates are withdrawn for the most auspicious timings in addition to the hora and Shubh Muhurta. It is advisable to consult an astrologer to know the auspicious time of Buying a Property as per astrologer references several considerations, including birth chart yoga and planetary transits. Source: